Welcome to our home on the web! Around 2009 Sustainable Traditions began as an online forum and website focused on cultivating a broad conversation about ‘whole-life’ Christian faith and intentional living. We began writing about and discussing our journey towards radical discipleship to Jesus and the Gospel of His kingdom – and the many ways our life was (and still is) shifting towards simplicity, community, and a renewed sense of our place in this world that God has given to all of us.
Over the years this conversation has ebbed and flowed – sometimes being interrupted by the necessities of life – but we continue to share our own thoughts and the thoughts of other writers and bloggers with the hopes that we will, in some small way, encourage you to walk the talk in the everyday.
We’re currently working to improve the website so bear with us as we are making updates and working to bring old posts up to date.
– Jason and Pam Fowler, Sustainable Traditions co-founders