Field trials show applying milk to pasture is increasing Brix values, reducing compaction and increasing tonnage.
There’s much buzz surrounding raw milk, and it’s not flies or even the debate about selling raw milk for human consumption. The buzz is positive and farmers and ranchers are paying attention because it’s about the application of unpasteurized milk to fields as a natural and inexpensive amendment. In fact, universities are now interested in conducting studies.
[caption id="attachment_4970" align="alignright" width="356"] David Wetzel of O’Neill, Nebraska[/caption]
When his dairy cows were let out they self selected to graze the areas of pasture where the raw milk was applied. “You could see [improvement] in the grass and feel it in the soil and see it in the life of the soil,” Wetzel said. “So I called Terry and said to him that you have to check this out.”In the past few years, farmers in different parts of the country have been testing or using raw milk as a soil amendment with positive, sometimes astonishing, results. What added energy to this buzz was when Dave Wetzel, an American dairy farmer in O’Neill, Nebraska, and owner of Green Pasture Products, poured a large quantity of unpasteurized skim milk on a portion of his alfalfa and grass pastures. What happened next was a surprise to Wetzel.
Scientific studies
Wetzel told himself it’s one thing to observe and another thing to study. He wasn’t going to leave his accidental results unstudied, so he called on University of Nebraska Extension and Certified Holistic Management Educator Terry Gompert (now deceased). A pair of researches at the same university, Charles Shapiro, agronomy and horticulture soil scientist, and Stevan Knezevic, herbicide specialist, joined Gompert to design experiments with Wetzel. Their testing included multiple application and control plots. The study was designed with practical application in mind with financial consideration for the costs of milk as a fertilizer compared to standard fertilizer. The results were positive. “We had 1,124 pounds more dry matter per acre after application of raw milk,” Wetzel said. The test plots with no input yielded 4,454 pounds of dry matter per acre compared to the milk-applied test plots of 5,578 pounds of dry matter per acre (see table on pg. 8). This was clearly scientific evidence of increased yield. They also discovered that benefits didn’t increase with ever-increasing application rates. “We found that 2-3 gallons of raw milk per acre was all that was needed,” Wetzel said. The team also studied any changes in soil porosity using a penetrometer at four depths every six inches and averaging the force required to penetrate with the instrument. They found the raw milk test plots had soil that was 16.6 percent more porous than the control plots. It wasn’t long before Wentzel and Gompert headed to the small town of Linn, Missouri, along with a collection of about 50 farmers and scientists for a field day to share best practices or simply learn about raw milk as a regenerative input.Again, more grass

Again, less compaction
“The most amazing thing of all is the reduction in compaction where we sprayed the milk,” Voss reported. Penetromer tests in Voss’ pasture showed non-milk pastures were three times more compacted than the milk-sprayed paddock. Penetrometer results showed it took 100 psi to insert the 28-inch test probe in the milk-sprayed field while it took 300 psi to insert the test probe in the control pasture. “There’s no comparison between the soil that was sprayed with the milk and that that did not get sprayed with milk.” Voss later presented some of this information at the Small Farm Today Conference and Trade Show. “I think our grass is considerably better since we started spraying. We’ve never had better looking grass than we’ve got right now,” he said.Higher Brix levels
Voss also told his audience that the pasture sprayed with milk had grass with a Brix level on average of three points higher than control grass. Brix is commonly understood as a measurement of sugar content of an aqueous solution made from a plant. One degree Brix is one gram of sucrose in 100 grams of solution. Voss’ Brix tests in his pastures were measured starting in October where his best fescue measured 26-29 consistently on a 32-point Brix scale. For comparison, the Brix level of a premium Napa Valley red grape is 25. His Brix tests were usually conducted around 3:30 p.m. Wetzel told of a farmer in New Mexico who was measuring Brix levels and found an increase. “The Brix values held for 30 days,” he said. Gompert reported that he witnessed grasses with Brix values form 0.5 to 25. It’s commonly understood among organic producers that for plants to start to be pest and disease resistant it should have a Brix value of at least 12.More than just grasses
A conventional farmer near Wetzel had a milk compressor failure. Since the milk company wouldn’t take that batch of milk, his neighbor needed something to do with the raw milk. According to Wetzel, his neighbor took the milk from the bulk tank and sprayed it on a large alfalfa field. “A few weeks later he returned to the field to do his cutting and he had to get off his tractor to look because he wasn’t sure it was really alfalfa. The leaves were so big he was questioning whether it was alfalfa,” he said. When his neighbor’s alfalfa was chopped and processed, the employee doing the job contacted the farmer asking why his alfalfa was so different. “The tonnage was significantly larger compared to my neighbor’s other fields.” To better understand what was happening, Wetzel’s neighbor worked with a dairy nutrition expert to do a feed-value analysis. They took samples from the milk-applied field to compare to his next-best field where raw milk was not applied. He reported beneficial nutritional differences and 20 percent to 30 percent increase in feed value. Wetzel’s neighbor’s milk-sprayed alfalfa tested out with the following results: Moisture: 22% increase Protein: 16.5% increase Acid Detergent Value: 14% decrease Nutrient detergent value: 19% decrease Total digestible nutrients: 7.5% increase Calcium: 12% increase Phosphorus: 15% increase Potassium: 18.5% increase Chloride: 43% decrease Sodium: 17% decrease
Why does this work? What is happening? This sounds more like snake oil than remedy.
Good morning, baergy.
I understand your questioning this. I was skeptical when I first heart of it so I contacted the dairy farmer in Nebraska and read the research write ups.
What is happening still is being studied, but the consensus is that milk is feeding the microbial life in the soil (the biota). A healthy population of biota in soil is critical for plants to survive and thrive. When the population is sufficient, the entire soil food web is enhanced, thus causing plants to flourish. All this activity also improves the soil structure, thus reducing compaction and increasing soil infiltration of water instead of running off and causing erosion. It’s an amazing design when you consider it.
We know that plants and soil biota have a mutually beneficial relationship, partly to make soil minerals available to plants while plants give off exudates to feed the biota. It makes perfect scientific sense that milk is simply a supplemental food source for the soil biota.
If you want more to study, look up the work of Terry Gompert, Charles Shapiro, and Stevan Knezevic from the University of Nebraska.
In Him,