…of ministry and mustard.[/caption]
The fine folks over at Cooking Up A Story produce the most inspiring interviews of farmers, foodies, thought leaders, gardeners and others who are involved in the sustainable and local food movement. I am always thoroughly encouraged and/or challenged by the videos they put out.
My latest favorite is their feature on the Benedictine Sisters of Queen of Angels Monastery in Mt. Angel, Oregon. They adhere to a monastic form of Christian community, balancing their days between prayer, community life, ministry to others and the fine art of making…Monastery Mustard! Check out the video:
(for smoother playback start video, then stop and let it load)]]>
I live in four miles from Mt. Angel. Monastery Mustard goes great with Mt. Angel’s famous German sausages, which go great with Mt. Angel’s famous Oktoberfest.
John: Cool that you are near them! If you see them tell them I said hi and that we are talking about them on our website!