In times of tragedy and disaster some of us will go– we will be the hands and feet of Jesus for those in dire need. Others of us who cannot go are called to another kind of labor- a labor of prayer. Sometimes this work seems most overwhelming. In all my thoughts about recent violence and unrest around the world, earthquakes and floods in various places and especially Japan’s triple tragedy of a massive earthquake, a devastating tsunami, and a slowly unfolding nuclear meltdown- I am reminded that absorbing news and talking about these crisis is not enough- that intercession and the pouring out of our hearts to GOD in cries for mercy is the task for those of us who cannot physically embody our prayers in service (truthfully it is also the task for those of us who serve).
Often I feel paralyzed by apathy or the inability to pray sincerely for the people involved in another tragedy- I don’t know what to say to GOD or whether my teardrop sized prayers will have any ripple effect in the ocean of affliction so many are experiencing. Despite feeling overwhelmed though- the work of prayer is still the task at hand. There is no better place to start than now. Let us offer up cries for mercy to GOD together as families and church communities in our localities and particular places -for a world in need of redemption. Today I focus on Japan because it is most on my heart:
Litany For Japan
Father GOD,
How can we pray? What can we say to you? For a people crushed and broken?
We are untouched by the tragedies and yet we too are struck. We too are left with nothing.
We too are anxious for the future. We too are left standing, wondering ‘why?’
We have no where to turn but to You! We cry ‘Mercy LORD!’
Break in! Jesus! Healer, Restorer! Manifest your mercy to a people crushed- to a people unraveled.
For those in Japan who are awash in sorrow- release your ministers of peace- Your holy angels and your holy Bride – the Church.
Let Your servants rush to embrace the wounded, the hungry, the devastated- Send mercy!! Mercy LORD!
We have no answers. We cry ‘Mercy LORD!’
Break in! Father, Creator, Redeemer! Manifest your mercy to a people dwelling in the shadow of death.
For those in Japan in the shadow of nuclear crisis- loose a solution – Your sovereign wisdom and intervention in the affairs of men.
Rush in to diffuse cataclysm -spare lives- quell the flood of radiation- speak calm to this storm – we are afraid -Send mercy!! Mercy LORD!
We call to You in desperation. We cry ‘Mercy LORD!’
Burden us with Your burning heart! Holy Spirit, Counselor, Comforter! Manifest in us the mind and will of GOD- to be united to You in intercession.
For those in Japan- for Your Bride, Your Church- let the lifeblood of Your Body restore those who are wounded and in need.
For those in Japan- the many who do not know You as Friend and Father and Messiah – let Your mercy and grace dawn in their darkness.
We are broken for the brokenness of a nation. We cry ‘Have Mercy on Japan LORD!’ Answer us quickly O Sovereign Over The Nations!
We praise You LORD who has mercy for generations. We call to You as children come weeping to their father. Have mercy LORD.
We rend our hearts…
(Post your own prayers in the comments below.) (Feel free to use the above prayer in anyway that will encourage you and those around you to pray for the people of Japan.)
(video via The Rock Student Ministries)