Acres U.S.A., saying, “…if you take away the seed’s ability to be a seed, like by taking the germ of the bran away, you have essentially destroyed the value of it.” If you read the whole interview titled “Purposeful Profit,” it’s easy to take Moore’s words to mean that not using the whole grain is a contradiction of God’s plan for feeding mankind. These ideas are certainly debatable. But, it’s useful to examine God’s design of creation and look carefully how mankind is working in harmony with it and where we are contradicting it … to our own disgrace and demise. Noah Sanders, in his book Born-Again Dirt, put it this way. He wrote that how we farm or garden should be based on a biblical world view, not a secular one. Every part of our farms and every way we farm should bring glory to God. “If we want to glorify God we must be Christian farmers, not just farmers who are Christians,” Sanders wrote. The differences between these two perspectives are vast, and they started to diverge as far back as the first generation of man. The damage industrial agriculture does to the soil and the watershed combined with bioengineering of the crops which are overlaid with petroleum-based poisons are certainly not Edenic conditions, and not even those described after Adam was banished from the Garden. ]]>