1.) Real Estate: Contrary to popular belief, we found it easy to move our hive to another part of the yard when we decided we’d rather it be in another place. However, would we want to do it again, no. Be certain you know where you want your bees so you aren’t trying to move a colony that can weigh more than 100 pounds after the sun has gone down. 2.) Woodenware: There are certainly several ways to keep bees from the popular 10-frame or 8-frame langstroth hives to top bars and many more. For us, the problem was that we decided that, while we liked langstroth hive, we’d have rather have the 8-frame “medium” hive bodies. Woodenware can be a very expensive investment. The more hives you can work in-person before buying your own, the better. Then you’ll know exactly what you are getting into and can make the correct investment in your hives the first time. 3.) Pollinating: I know. Honey. But still, if you are into bees, then you are probably into growing food as well. As such, the prospect of your honeybees pollinating your fruit and vegetables might sound enticing. However, remember that our native bees and many other pollinators are the real powerhouses behind pollination. Give them some habitat as well. 4.) Backup Plan: It is possible that something unexpected is going to happen – like a grass fire we had. Our bees were fine, but a pair of gloves, queen clip, queen marking cage, and marker all burned up. Have spares of your equipment, unless you are prepared to wait for shipping time. 5.) Grab a Chair: I’m a chicken. I wear all my protective equipment when I work the hive. However, I enjoy putting a lawn chair a few feet from the hive, off to one side, and watching the amazing aerial acrobatics taking place. One day you’ll rob these bees of a vast majority of their hard work – take a moment to enjoy and respect their efforts.