Next Door As It Is In Heaven addresses the complexities of living as a Kingdom representative in your neighborhood. Influenced by a variety of factors, neighborhoods themselves have undergone substantial transformations. The developmental phenomenon of the suburb bundled with the popularization of the automobile and entertainment industry changed the relational landscape of the neighborhood over time. These changes helped usher in a new set of values for the American people: those of privacy, convenience, and consumerism. Now, instead of living with our extended family, we own separate houses. Instead of walking to work, we drive to work. Instead of taking a stroll through the neighborhood or visiting with folks on a front porch, we stay inside and watch television. Now, more than ever, we feel a sense of detachment from both people and place. Thus, we are no longer a localized people, rooted in our neighborhoods, but a preoccupied people, focused on ourselves. So, how do we shift gears, so-to-speak, and cultivate a genuine love for our neighbors while gaining a greater appreciation for the places we dwell? Although Ford and Brisco put forth a number of ways to change our mindset and actions, I have selected two of my favorites from the book. Hangouts: The Importance of Third Places Ray Oldenburg popularized the terminology of first (home), second (work), and third (common) places. Third places are more public than private and offer unique opportunities for individuals to interact with one another in a slower-paced setting. There are a variety of settings that could be considered “third places” but their vitality lies in their ability to foster relational proximity between people. Oldenburg offers eight characteristics of these spaces that help to define the “third place.” They are as follows:
- It is found on neutral ground
- It acts as a social leveler
- Conversation is the main activity
- The space is accessible and accommodating
- There are “regulars” (people who frequent the location regularly)
- The setting is low profile
- The mood is playful
- It is a home away from home
(Originally posted at the Ecclesia Communities website)