Wisdom calls from the deep foundations of the morning,
Before dawn, when the first bird begins her song:
“O’ Foolish Ones wake! Wake from slumber! Turn your eyes toward your Creator!
Learn wisdom. Gain understanding.
Walk among tall trees – lay down on grassy hills.
Let the garden and flocks you keep
and the untouched forest be your university.
Let these proverbs that proceed from earth
be your textbook and curriculum.
Come learn O’ Foolish Ones!
You who fear and tremble
at the death of comfort, who leverage pain or power,
come learn to follow, die, and be reborn.
Come learn the ways of soil and sky,
of river and creek, of earthworm and mountain.
Come learn that you must deconstruct
the fortress of your own mind, unlearn the twisted path
of that which you pave and build.
Come down into your place – and sit in silence
before a master you have hated and have not known.
The debt for this school cannot be paid
except through mixing sacrifice of tears and prayer.”
I turn like a great beast, with dullness of mind
to find Wisdom, feathered and winged
Sitting expectantly on branch or post,
not speaking as I heard or dreamed –
but singing, am I called to learn or dance?