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There is much work to be done in renewing our atrophied theological imaginations and in restoring the incarnational expression of our devotion to Jesus and His kingdom. This is a labor we hope to take part in more and more and there are many others who have also set their hand to the plow in this renewal.

[caption id="attachment_1653" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Englewood Review of Books is now in print!"]Englewood Review of Books[/caption] Our friend Chris Smith and his crew over at the Englewood Review of Books are deeply engaged in this effort with their insightful literary review website for missionally-minded and radical Christians – and now with their new print edition you don’t need to turn on your computer to access it! A must have for serious Christian bookmongers. Check it out:
Announcing our Brand New,  Quarterly Print Edition. As we continue to encourage the practices of reading and theological conversation in our churches, we will, starting this Fall, be supplementing our online edition with a print edition that contains more reviews, interviews and book news of note for missional church communities.  Our first issue will feature reviews by Debra Dean Murphy, Brett Foster, Ragan Sutterfield and others, and will explore the work of Seamus Heaney, Gregory Jones, Mary Oliver, William Stringfellow, Slavoj Žižek, Willie Jennings, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove and more!  You won’t want to miss this exciting new venture!”
Get more information on subscribing to the print edition: HERE. (Disclosure: Sustainable Traditions is a proud supporter of the Englewood Review of Books, advertises with them, and features their ads routinely on this blogazine. Even if we didn’t we would still tell you to check them out!) ]]>