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[/caption] I want to take a moment and thank you all for reading our blogazine and in so, being a part of the Sustainable Traditions journey as we explore the possibilities of a more  embodied pursuit of Jesus and His upside down kingdom. It is appropriate I think that my mind is more and more dwelling on the idea of incarnation – especially in this season as we celebrate the Incarnation of our Creator. As we increasingly grow in understanding of what it meant that our GOD took on bodily form and walked this earth- may we also increasingly incarnate His presence through His Holy Spirit, in small acts of love in our own families, churches, neighborhoods and communities. And let us remember that GOD’s purposes can be birthed in us as we too go low, go small, and labor as He leads us – we need only to be willing vessels. From our family to yours: may the LORD’s abiding peace fill you this Christmas and in the year to come! -shalom! -Jason Fowler, Sustainable Traditions co-founder & web editor p.s. See below for our 2011 Christmas Greeting and short verse! [pdf 590 720] (download and print out this PDF Christmas greeting: here)   Receive Your King Behold your king, He comes in secret, He comes in hiding, Word made flesh, GOD’s human heart beating, Creator incarnate, a royal occupation, An upside down kingdom, A world-to-come’s foundation.  ]]>